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Showing posts from January, 2013

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Average Prices for Tax Preparation Fees

Average Prices for Tax Preparation Fees. It's a bit easier to find average prices for tax preparation services. The National Society of Accountants in their 2010 fee study reports the following average prices charged by their members: Average for 1040 with Schedule A and state return: $229 Average for 1040 with state return with no itemized deductions: $129 Average Prices at Franchised Tax Offices H&R Block: $189 per return (average, 2010 data) Jackson Hewitt: $208 per return (average, 2010 data) Average Prices at SANTANDER TAX SERVICE $60  Our prices are as fallow All 1040 Forms $50 1040 Form + Schedule A (Most homeowners) $60 1040 Form + Schedule C ( Self Employed) $70 1040 Form + Schedule C + Schedule A $80 Make your appointment today 805-705-8572

Don't fall victim to tax scams.

Tax Scams Don't fall victim to tax scams. Remember — if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. If you know of a tax fraud, you can report it to the IRS by sending completed  Form 3949-A , Information Referral, to Internal Revenue Service, Fresno, CA 93888. You can download the form or call 1-800-829-3676 to order by mail. Phony Arguments No matter how some things are sliced, they're still baloney. If someone tells you that you don't have to pay taxes, check out  The Truth About Frivolous Tax Arguments . This exclusive addresses some of the more common false "legal" arguments made by those opposed to compliance with the federal tax laws. Each contention is briefly explained, followed by a discussion of the legal authority that rejects the contention. The second section deals with frivolous arguments encountered in collection due process cases. The final section illustrates penalties imposed on those pursuing frivolous cases. IR-2011-...

Cuando puedo mandar mis inpuestos?

El IRS empezará a aceptar declaraciones de impuestos el 30 de enero, Para los  Declarantes de las formas 1040 A raíz de los cambios en los impuestos en enero, realizado por el Congreso bajo la Ley de Ayuda al Contribuyente americano (ATRA), el Servicio de Impuestos Internos anunció hoy que planea abrir la temporada de impuestos del 2013 y comenzar a procesar individualmente sus declaraciones de impuesto sobre la renta el 30 de enero. El IRS empezará a aceptar declaraciones de impuestos en esa fecha después de actualizar y completar los formularios de programación y pruebas de los sistemas de procesamiento. Esto reflejara la mayor parte de los cambios en las leyes fiscales aprobadas y finalisadas el 2 de enero. El anuncio significa que la gran mayoría de los declarantes de impuestos - más de 120 millones de hogares - debe ser capaz de iniciar la presentación de declaraciones de impuestos a partir 30 de enero. El IRS estima que los hogares restantes podrán iniciar la presenta...

When can I file my 2012 Income tax return?

IRS Plans Jan. 30 Tax Season Opening For 1040 Filers  Following the January tax law changes made by Congress under the American Taxpayer Relief Act (ATRA), the Internal Revenue Service announced today it plans to open the 2013 filing season and begin processing individual income tax returns on Jan. 30. The IRS will begin accepting tax returns on that date after updating forms and completing programming and testing of its processing systems. This will reflect the bulk of the late tax law changes enacted Jan. 2. The announcement means that the vast majority of tax filers -- more than 120 million households -- should be able to start filing tax returns starting Jan 30.  The IRS estimates that remaining households will be able to start filing in late February or into March because of the need for more extensive form and processing systems changes. This group includes people claiming residential energy credits, depreciation of property or general business credits. Most of tho...

Tax refunds remain up in the air.

The nation didn't go over the fiscal cliff, but tax refunds remain up in the air. Congress' late action on the fiscal cliff tax provisions has caused headaches for the Internal Revenue Service, which now has to program its systems and issue tax forms based on the revised laws. It has not announced when taxpayers can start filing their 2012 returns, which means refunds will most likely be delayed. Filing usually begins in mid-January. "The IRS is currently reviewing the details of this week's tax legislation and assessing what impact it will have on this year's filing season," said the agency, adding it will issue additional guidance "soon." It's not the first time the IRS has had to deal with this. Two years ago, it took until mid-December for President Obama and lawmakers to reach an agreement on many of the same issues. That delayed the opening of the tax season to mid-February, affecting some 9 million taxpayers that year....